Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 7: January 7 - Who's Talking?

January 7, 2015
Day 7  Who's Talking

I should know better.
Why am I doing it this way?
Why am I not included?
Why haven't I learned yet?
When am I going to learn?
I am never going to learn.
What makes me think I have it right?
Will I ever get it right?
When will I ever learn?
Why aren't I like her?
Why aren't I like him?
Why aren't I like them?
Why hasn't it happened yet?

How can I ever try to make it work?
Can I do this right?
Will I do this right?
Why is this happening to me?
Why do I look the way I do?
Why can't I get myself under control?
Why am I not doing this quickly?
Why is this taking so long?
Will they like me if I do this?
I am not sure I can do this?
I know they will not understand.
I am not worthy.
I am worthless.
I am unable.


Who the heck is talking?
Certainly, NOT!!!! GOD!!! EVER!
He says to me, You are worth it.
You are worthy.
You are righteous
You are capable.
You are loved to the depths.
Yes, you can do it. 
Sure I will give you wisdom again.
Yes, I will give you some more wisdom.
Absolutely I will give you more wisdom.
You never ever have to stop asking for wisdom - there are no limitations.
You can do anything through me.
You are so wonderful.
Your needs are completely met and will always be.
I will never, ever leave you.
My promises are true. 
I want to always be with you.
Will you open the door for me?
You have everything you need.
You are beautiful.
You are known and still loved.
You are precious in my sight. 
You are a child of God.

The lies are all the enemy has. 
Once you learn to recognize his commonplace language, 
You'll refuse to listen to him.
He is so typical, so broken record.
We need to train our ears to pick up
the creative, loving encouragement.

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