Friday, January 15, 2016

Day 15: January 15, 2016 - Coffee Cottage Part 3

January 15, 2016
Day 15 Coffee Cottage Part 3

Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Who knew coffee was going to change the course of Lynn and Lynne's future. We had no idea. But if there is any hope of a retirement fund, it is coffee. If there is any hope of a savings fund, it is coffee. If there is any hope to pull us out of debt, it is coffee. This little bean has transformed our little family into a coffee cottage industry that has the potential to tug boat us up and out of rough waters.

The buzz begins with our morning cup and lasts the day as more and more people hear about Twin Valley Coffee company. The fierce loyalty is fierce. Veteran coffee customers in the Gazebo are our best sales representatives. If one of our veteran's is there when a new customer arrives, those of us behind the counter just mind our own business and let the veteran give their spiel. These men and women are ardent supporters.

Tomorrow Lynn is moving our cold brew operation to the newly rented space. This is a good firm step at streamlining, and also getting the heck out of our kitchen. No! I have not been nagging him. Yes! I have been making suggestions. Firm ones. Limitations make us work harder and especially smarter. The rented space is right down the road so it will not be difficult to manage going back and forth. We cannot and should not run out of cold brew. For it is like running out of anesthesia. Really not a good scene. Cold brew to many is like black gold.

We will continue this dip into the workings of Twin Valley Coffee Cottage Industry. Good night!


  1. Coffee...manna for my friends...prayers for blessings answered.

  2. keep praying chicky poo! don't let up, we's gots a longs ways
