Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 57 Loving Others

March 3, 2015
Day 57

Loving others often times means overlooking many, many things. The phrase mercy triumphs over judgment has become more meaningful over these past couple of months than it ever has before. Jesus loves and loves past a multitude of sins. We often find His grace to be so offensive. "How can they be forgiven of that?!" we ask in horror.  How can it be that we who have been offered the gift of salvation forget the magnitude of our debt and find it difficult to offer mercy to those who owe us?  Let alone forget the depth to which the debt was paid. As law riders we forget that we are called to be mercy riders.

To be in the presence of believers who know rejection and continue to love those who are rejecting is to be in His presence. There is no law against love.


  1. I needed this TODAY. Just mere hours ago. Oh sister, your words have helped to heal my heart tonight. I am so glad you listened, and wrote them. His timing is so amazing.

    1. Ah, Angel. This post has such depth behind it. To be in the presence of folks who are walking out the love of Christ when they could be licking their wounds is to experience peace that passes all understanding. We offer Christ to each other when we are forgivers and repenters and leave the judging to Him.
