Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 66 Blue Blur

March 12, 2015
Day 66

Last Monday we had a funeral to attend. In the morning, my back was a bit sore and instead of toughing it out I decided to go to the feeble, almost non-existent medicine cabinet. My glasses were not perched on my head to flip down for a quick read so I decided to go with the bottle that might have said aspirin. The blue colored pills seemed a bit odd but they came out of the maybe aspirin bottle. I popped two pills in and swooshed down some water and decided to tell Lynn, just in case he needed to tell the ambulance driver. "Just before she hit the floor she came in to tell me she took two blue pills. Sir, I'm not sure why she told me."

I went out to cover for our Wider School Study Day. The world swirled. We have no mercy for the sick in our home, there is no time, what do ya mean ya don't feel good! Who cares?! C'mon, move it! Robyn arrived to take my place.  She was irritated, I taught her well, "What's wrong Mom! What do you mean you don't feel well?"  I stumbled back into the house. "Lynn, I feel really weird." My mind had already gone to that place, it was not good. Lynn started his research, I had already given him a lead.

"Lynne, you took Excedrin PM!" Chris and Lynn are howling. Chris informs me that I will feel this way for, oh, another ten hours. My brain is being massaged and I do not want my brain to be massaged! All I want to do is lay down yet I have a funeral to attend, fitting. I slump in the front seat with an unzipped coat, I was in no shape to bend down. For once I was speechless. I was also dopey, dizzy, dazed and definitely weird.

We arrived and as Lynn is parking I groggily inform him in a monotone voice that I will just stay out in the car and sleep. "No, Lynne, you are coming in." Okey dokey, ya meanie. My balance was challenged and I needed assistance. I walked in and saw people I had not seen and all I could think was chair. I slumped in an overstuffed motel looking funeral chair. I was clearly not all there and there was nothing I could do. My unzipped coat provided a fashionable look; hunched football shoulder pads.

I finally managed to push myself off the chair and go and say hi to the daughter of the deceased woman. "Hi, Kaaathy, I'm so sorry for your loss, I took the wrong medicine. I feel so loopey." There was no transition from this statement to heading back toward my chair. There was no emotion in me, no highs, no lows, just weirdly monotone voice and emotions. I existed like this almost the entire time except at the luncheon. The unexpected sound of the windshield wipers scraping against the front window was enough to send me OFF! "Lynn, hey, hey, hey, puhleeezze waaarn me." They just laughed. Mean.

I was a little annoyed by how long the pastor went on about Eleanor Roosevelt. It was not Eleanor's funeral. They said told me there had been no mention of Eleanor. I don't trust them.

Robyn wanted to talk shop over the phone while we were on our way home from the funeral. I couldn't. I hung up the phone without saying goodbye. When I returned home I slowly pushed my mind to try to work out our Wider School dilemma, anyone walking into the office would have thought Robyn was counseling a homeless woman. Slowly using my magic eye it all came into view. Robyn called my plan genius.  "Mom, next time we have an issue I need to get you loopey (she said something else, I censored)."

Note to self:  Search for glasses before popping something into my mouth.


  1. Rolling on the floor..did ya catch it on video?

  2. Oh my word, I am dying. I am totally laughing at your expense, my dear. This is something I would so do!
