Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 223 The List

August 19, 2015
Day 223

When I call my children to rest I have ulterior motives. I am calling them to relax in order for them to get things accomplished on my To Do List. I want them to clean their rooms, take out the trash, do their homework, etc.

When God calls us to Rest he shows us the To Do List and next to each item is a check mark with the following word ACCOMPLISHED. The Rest He calls us to is simply pure Rest. He is interested in spending time with me, with you.

But we find this so hard. Someone else doing OUR To Do List?!! This feels lazy, unmotivated, and too passive. Wait, did we look helpless?!  Pride rises up in us and we want to hold onto our pride. We value pride. We do not see it for its ugly, putrid, vomitatious self. We keep covering our pride or vomit in pretty smelling perfumes (good deeds, actions etc.). But vomit is vomit.

We so often ask God to wait until we are done with our own To Do List and then we will abide. But, He knows we can not even touch that To Do List with the level of excellence accomplished on the cross.  If I am not resting in God, I need to repent.

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